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Mr. Kenneth F.W. Chiu

Mr. Kenneth Chiu graduated from City University of Hong Kong as Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with major in accountancy and later was awarded Master of Professional Accounting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  He joined the Firm in the year 1986 and qualified as a professional accountant in the year 1992.  In the year 1994 he was admitted as partner of the Firm.  He has much experience in auditing and tax consultancy services and is able to understand various needs of our clients.  Owing to Mr. Chiu’s professional knowledge and experience, he was invited to act as the Independent Non-Executive Director of two companies listed in the Main Board of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the years 2005 and 2009 respectively. 




F.S. Li & Co. was founded in the year 1948 by the late Mr. F.S. Li and is one of the oldest firms of certified public accountants in Hong Kong.  The late Mr. F.S. Li was a member of a family that is well-known in Hong Kong.  During his life time he served as a member of both the Legislative and Executive Councils of Hong Kong and as a chairman or director of many public listed utility, banking and trading companies.  He actively helped in establishing the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (formerly known as “Hong Kong Society of Accountants”), and in honour of his work, he was given the membership certificate No. 1.


In the year of 1976, Mr. T.Y. Lim, the late Mr. F.S. Li's nephew, joined as partner.  In the year 1977, the late Mr. F.S. Li retired as partner and, up to date of his death, had remained as a consultant of the Firm.  Mr. K.C. Chan and Mr. Kenneth Chiu were admitted partners in the years 1992 and 1994 respectively.  Mr. Revson T.Y. Yam and Ms. Yvonne O. Y. Man were admitted partners in the year 2017.





The Company is conveniently located at Admiralty Centre, one of the most well-known office buildings in Hong Kong.  The office is owned by an affiliated company of the Firm.  It is now employing about thirty staff members, around one-forth of whom are qualified professional accountants.  The head of our secretarial department, Miss Michelle Hung, is the holder of Master of Business and Administration (U.K.) and Chartered Secretary and has been working with this firm over 25 years.  The partners are responsible for overall control to ensure that the work is performed to the highest level of professional standards.  Our staff members are stable and all senior members have been working with the Firm for over twenty years.  Special care is exercised in the selection of our staff to ensure that persons with a character of honesty and integrity are employed after probation.  Our staff are trained to respond quickly to our clients’ needs and to assist clients in achieving their business objectives.

Mr. Revson Yam joined F. S. Li & Co. in the year 1989.  In the year 1995, he qualified as a professional accountant and in the year 2001, he was awarded Master of Science in Accountancy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  Owing to his professional knowledge and experience, he part time acted as the Manager of The Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Limited for supervising the management and operation of Tai Hang Sai Estate in the years 1997 to 1998 and as the course coordinator of an accounting course “Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis” of The Open University of Hong Kong in the years 2005 to 2006.  In the year 2017, he was admitted partner of the Firm.  For serving in the accounting profession for around three decades, he has much experience in servicing the local and overseas clients for audit, tax and accountancy matters.

Ms. Man Oi Yuk Yvonne is the holder of Master of Professional Accounting awarded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and became a practicing member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants in the year 1994.  She is also an associate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.  She joined the Firm in the year 1988 and was admitted partner in the year 2017.  Ms. Man has solid and extensive experience in auditing, accounting, company secretarial and taxation services.  Ms. Man has been a panelist assessor for professional examination conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since the year 2009.  Owing to Ms. Man’s professional knowledge and experience, she worked as the company secretary of a company listed in the Main Board of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange.  In addition, she has been the Independent Non-Executive Director of a company listed in the Main Board of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange since the year 2015.  She is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Committee member of Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee of that listed company.

Ms. Yvonne O. Y. Man
Mr. Revson T.Y. Yam

Mr. T.Y. Lim was educated in Singapore during the years 1952 to 1961 and thereafter was educated in England at Cambridge University.  He graduated in the year 1967, obtaining Master in Economics, and then served articles in London with a major firm of Chartered Accountants before he qualified in the year 1970.  During the period from 1970 to 1976, he worked in London and then in Hong Kong as a member staff of firms of professional accountants and as financial controller of a merchant bank. In the year 1976, the late Mr. F.S. Li invited Mr. T.Y. Lim to join as a partner of our Firm.  After serving the Firm for three decades, Mr. Lim resigned as partner and now concentrates on the work of the Firm’s affiliated company, F.S. Li Associates Limited, on providing secretarial, accounting and consultancy services. 

Mr. T.Y. Lim
Mr. K.C. Chan

Mr. K.C. Chan joined the Firm after he completed his university education in Hong Kong.  In the year 1992, he was admitted as partner of the Firm.  He specialized at taxation, especially offshore income claim.  After serving the Firm for nearly four decades, Mr. Chan resigned as partner.  However, he acts as a consultant of the Firm and stays at the office during office hours to continue to provide service.


© 2017 by F.S. LI & CO.  

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